parties: weddings, family reunions, anniversaries,
church festivals, birthdays, etc.

But there is something about a company picnic that really feels good and fits our company values. It is plain and simply a give-back, and we really relate to that.
Granted, weddings are big, beautiful, fun affairs with all sorts of emotions and reunions. We love weddings. But a company picnic doesn’t have to happen. Especially in this economy. There are tons of companies out there that never have one and it doesn’t impact their bottom line one bit.
But those that do are telling their employees that they matter and are worth spending the money on to just hang out for a few hours in the park. A gift of sorts, and it is capital well invested.

Companies that have picnics are interested in spending time with their employees and meeting their families. They usually schedule activities and programs that bring people together in ways that are impossible through the rigid framework of the business environment. Employees get to see the softer side of management and the bosses
learn that they have world-series quality softball players working right under their noses. Who knew that James in accounting could juggle and that Mr. Corner office melted when he picked up a baby?
We love company picnics which is why we do so many of them. We offer not only excellent
catering but games, attractions and entertainment. We want the event to be about the people of that company and to show the attendees that the event planners and their bosses really wanted this to be special. To that end we bring the grills and cook food up right there, adding that grilled hamburger or fajita smell to the event.In today's economy company picnics are even more valuable than ever. While they might not have the funds for the annual European River Barge Tour, companies can put together a party and bring out the hamburgers and fries. People need reassurance and what better way to do that than in a picnic setting? What better way to
tell them that you are here for them than sitting at a park bench in front of their spouse.

Company picnics bring companies together as a family and
J-BAR-H is proud to be a part of this. It is our privilege to cook for organizations that value and honor their employees, and nothing makes us prouder or happier than to see their smiles as they eat our food and play our games.